ya look smug
I'll give you that
rat a tat tat
n a dab'l do dat
the long-haired dude
in the cowboy hat
the cool cat
so oo smoove
mista neeto keeno hipsta
dude a batareeno
or so you dream
and scheme
an ice cream swirl
of gals and girls
you claim are at your call
when beckoned forth
come one and all
don't fall
it's just a swoon
the blue June moon
found bells in
Levi bottom's
well, they know the score
won't bore them with the tale
you look alone to me
that's all I see
could it be
you fib to thee
a bit?
those fingers on the keys--
I do recall
the waterfall
of tones
when tickling dem der bones
you had fire
that just ain't there
(though you desire
it so to be)
so, don't be sore at me
just sing your song
though it's not near
as clear a tune
though you pretend
the notes don't end
you're not fooling me
and you're not
fooling you
all those ladies
claimed as yours
don't seem anywhere
though I'm sure those
tales are true
they did abound
like schools of minnows
in a brook
and all did look
upon you sweetly
and you wooed them
quite discreetly
... neatly placed your mark
on each and every heart
you did your part
to give them mem'ries--
but they're gone
and you're alone
or do ghosts suffice
for company
these days
is this the haze
you find yourself
Peter Pan with silver hair
that land never did exist
and you were surely
never there
does anybody care?
and she
the one you made
up from the blue horizon
did that ship leave port
with her aboard
how your heart soared
it wasn't true
you never knew
that to ma lou
your brain had skipped
a sweet romantic trip
for two you took without
a mate, a sorry fate
you know I know the answer
and if I know so
you do
but I know I won't get through
maybe it's okay
just let the day go by
and then the next
as though there is no end
then just a single sad surprise
will take you 'round the bend
you're alone
you've just a list
of those you kissed
remembered bliss
so, cherish this
and just pretend
the list will grow
forever more
I've said my piece ...
now carry on
rule with joy whatever
realms you think
you're ruler of
one day you'll blink
I'd take a swing at you
just one good shot
to wipe that smirk
but at my age
seven years' bad luck
could be all my days
Writing Prompt
This is a poetry contest, no prose. The style is FREE VERSE, no structured poetry of any kind. If it has a name ie, sonnet, haiku, quatrains, blank verse, nonet etc. it is NOT free verse.
The topic is aging. Feel free to use your imagination and ingenuity to approach the topic any way you wish. BUT, it must clearly be about AGING.
Your presentation is entirely up to you. You may use all your skills to make your piece exciting to look at and experience as well as to read.
NOTE: If you have to EXPLAIN your piece in author's notes, it ain't much of a piece. :))