General Script posted October 13, 2017 Chapters:  ...40 41 -42- 43... 

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scene at a detective agency

A chapter in the book Scenes

Duck and Cover

by Bill Schott

The scene opens in the dingy office of detectives Downer Duck and Gunder Cover. The pay phone on the wall rings, and a cloaked figure reaches a boney hand out to answer it.

Duck: Duck and Cova.

The speaker on the other end of the line can be heard falling over furniture and screaming.

Duck: (Over his shoulder) We gotta answer da phone diff'rent. People's hoitin' demsefs.

Cover: Why are you wearing that bath robe?

Duck: Ain't no bathrobe, dude. Dat monk we hepped got it to me.

Cover: You need to get off that diet; you look like Death. You only need a sickle to complete the image.

Duck: Deaf on a bicycle?

Cover: Sickle. Not -- never mind. Hang the phone up so whoever that was can call back.

Duck: We need a new phone. Nobody's got no phone like dis one.

Cover: Those phones cost money just to possess. This one requires us to insert money, like a piggy bank.

Duck: I always call collect.

Cover: That's probably why we have so few clients.

The phone rings again. Gunder answers.

Cover: You have reached Cover and Duck private investigations. How may we help you?

Duck: Dat's Duck an' Cova, dude. I won da toss to get foist billin'.

Ignoring his partner, Gunder continues on the phone.

Cover: Yes, yes, I understand. It's good that you called us. We can help eliminate a part of your problem. Good day.

Duck: New client?

Cover: Wrong number. By calling, he has eliminated us as a possible correct dialing. This is our day's pinnacle of success.

Duck: So, I got time to go get a bicycle.

Cover: Yes, of course. Perhaps a tricycle would be more appropriate.

Duck: Dat's why yer da brains and I'm da utter thin'.

Cover: Brawn?

Duck: No, Dude. It's me, Downa. Dun let dis robe fool ya.

Gunder stares at his partner for a few seconds, then slowly turns back to the phone. He inserts some coins into the slots. The phone is answered. Gunder begins sobbing while slowly sliding down the wall.

Duck: Say 'Hi' to ya ma fa me.


Duck World 6
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