Fantasy Poetry posted February 18, 2017

This work has reached the exceptional level
Just a poem 8 /6 /8 /6

House of dreams

by Luna

To Mickey, with love.
Our Luna swings upon the stars 
and dances on the moon.  
My dreams tonight lack any fright,  
I know she'll be here soon.  

We'll fly around old Jupiter 
then ride the wing-ed horse ~
That Pegasus makes such a stir 
has been the driving force

of captivating nights for me
with Luna at the helm;
directing dreams of wit and glee
outside the earthly realm. 

Seen sights no human's seen before  
Space flowers colored green ~
A two-headed Conquistador, 
his stallion black and lean. 

So then it's time to fly back home ~
excitement o'er for now,
until next time we play and roam 
atop our crystal plow. 



Thank you, Galina G., for the artwork.
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