Children Fiction posted August 29, 2016 Chapters:  ...36 37 -37- 38... 

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
My thoughts on the subject of silliness.

A chapter in the book ShedMoreTears Fairy Tales@Fables"

The Spigot that Never Stops Running!

by Ricky1024

Follows with another an amazing Story.
"The Spigot that Never Stops Running!"
By Ricky 1024
Written on August 29th, 2016 at 9:12AM. E.S.T.
"In the Land of I Lost Most of My Mind"
"Lived an old Ogre named Bean."
"And 'Bean' was in charge of the bridge to Talsicastia."
"But there was a small problem you see...
"A Spigot right in front of the bridge!"
"Yes siree!"
"And it ran continously!"
"Hi, ye all FanStory Reviewers, Cow Kids, and Parents!"
"What is that old and mean Ogre gonna do if no one will cross his bridge because the Spigot won't leave?"
"How much money will the Ogre lose?"
"Stay right here for all the answers and ....
"The Lesson of the Day! "
"Thanks, Annie and let's see where we left off...
"Yes, now I got it!"
"Again, Once Upon A Time in
"The Land of...
"I Lost Most of My Mind,'
"God decided to create a spigot that Never Stops running!"
"One Fine Day in the Month of March and not May....
"Dann that old Spigot!"
"Why won't it stop"
"I already lost enough shekels to buy me a nice wheel barrow!"
"Darn there comes another crosser!"
"Hi Crossers, can I help you?"
"We need to cross over your bridge to 'Talsicastia."
"To see our Aunt, she needs us and is very sick."
"Yes, Ten Sheckels now!"
"But all that water?"
"We will get wet and catch a cold!"
"Yes i'm told!"
Replies Bean.
"Cross anyway or I will hit you with my Big Stick!"
"Crying, the two children run away...
"Over and over again and all day...
"And all night long, Bean lost crossers.
"Worried that He could not buy that wheel barrow for His dad....
"Nug" (Another Ogre) approaches Bean and leaves
(Noticing his difficulties!"
"So, Nug simply builds another bridge!"
"And a brand new bridge only a few minutes away from Beans!"
"He was suddenly, raking in the dough!"
"Thank you crossers and have a nice day on the other side!"
States Nug.
"Hey Bean another crosser for me!"
"That makes today...
"One Hundred and Three!"
"Nah, nah, nah, Nah Nah!"
"So, what should Bean do kids?"
"Just give up?"
"No way Jose!"
"So, Bean decided to pray that fine day in the Month of March and not May...
"And he prays all night and all day with all his Heart and this is what God had to say!"
"Dear Mean, Old, Bean....
"You need to listen to me and be nice and not naughty to all and not just your Ogre Family!"
"And, then my friend will you be...
"Rewarded in...
"So, The Old and Nasty Ogre Bean decided to be nice to those whom approached and couldn't cross...
"If You know what I mean?"
"One Fine fine day in...
"The Month of March and not May...
"Another day to tell all of those good crossers that...
"Where's the Spigot?"
"The Spigot named Faucet was gone and replaced with a slow...
"Trickling stream...
(As if in a dream) if you know what I mean?"
"So small all could easily step over!"
"Excited, Bean starts to do a jig!"
"I'll be making shekels again from my beautiful brIdge...
"Down he goes to the bottom of the stream!"
"No small, little, trickle here but a loud and noisy Deluge!"
"Bean finally drowns because he can not swim!"
"His Soul rises...
"Saint Peter shows him passage and not even one sheckel would He accept."
"Confused, Bean follows a cloudy path....
"He sees a bright light and here's a loud and serious voice say...
"Bean, Bean, my little Jelly Bean!"
"You stopped being mean,and then you made a 'BIG BOO- BOO!"
"So, slowly Bean's Soul rises again and follows the path...
"Back down to Earth the place of His birth."
"And, you know what reviewers?"
"And readers at home?"
"Bean now has so many crossers, Nug had to close shop and move on!"
The End.
"Now readers and reviewers...
"It is time for...
"The Lesson of theDay!"
"I see a hand?"
"Okay, Billy?"
"Well Annie, Bean got...
'Nice Fever' and He was rewarded with another chance at LIFE !"
"Exactly right and how many others, knew this?"
"All the cow kids raised their hands!"

"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing Artist 'Lentenmente'and his incredible Picture..
"A gift from nature."
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Lentamente at

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