Humor Poetry posted July 11, 2016

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Contest entry

The Life of a Geezerete

by justjo66

The Life of A Geezerete

It seems somehow I have become old
At least this is what I'm being told
My great grandkids laugh
And think it's time for my epitaph

They really are not in the know
Yes, I've gotten very slow
and my back goes out pulling weeds
I can still meet my old geezer's needs

It is true I'm married to an old geezer
So, I guess that makes me a geezerete
Hey, don't fret
I have no regret

The life of a geezerete is fine and dandy
I'm still pretty handy
Drinking coffee for hours
Taking long showers

Is the start of my day
Sure I don't get much pay
No boss to tell me what to do
Lots of hobbies to pursue

Gardening, shopping, watching TV
Many things in the world to see
This life is full of fun
Guess I'll keep it...til my time is done.

"The Life of a............" writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Create a poem of any length and style, entitled "The Life of a.......". You fill in the blank with any subject. Of course you may use "The Life of an.....", according to your needs. You may use more than one word to fill the blank. Write about an interest , or concern...

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