Horror and Thriller Poetry posted June 4, 2016

This work has reached the exceptional level
A (slightly modified) Octogram poem


by Dean Kuch

Can be read with or without the narration...
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Deep in the south — in Bile Bog,
you stare – aghast.
Amidst mold, moss and rotting log —
your heart beats fast.
And if you feel the yearn to stroll,
I feel there’s something you should know,
that greenish glow—it ain’t swamp gas—
you stare – aghast…

Her deadly touch like poison oak—
a putrid past.
You’ll feel your heart leap in your throat—
when she at last
sweet nothings, whispers in your ear,
you’ll wonder why you drew so near.
Forevermore, you're hers, at last—
you stare – aghast…

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An Octogram Poem, invented by long-time, much beloved former FanStory member, Sally Yocom, consists of:

2 stanzas of 8 lines each for a total length of 16 lines.
- The syllable counts line by line are; 8-4-8-4-8-8-8-4, 8-4-8-4-8-8-8-4.
- Each line must be written in Iambic Meter.
- The rhyme scheme for the first stanza is; a B a b c c b B
The rhyme scheme for the second stanza is; a b a b d d b B
(Capital "B" letters denote lines that must repeated EXACTLY THE SAME.)
Line two of the first stanza is repeated as line eight in that stanza,
and as line eight of the second stanza.
- No other lines should be repeated

Thanks very much for reading.
Pleasant Screams, heh-heh-heh...
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