Biographical Poetry posted May 3, 2016

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Freedom is a choice we each make.

Ode To Be Free

by aryr

Ode Contest Winner 

I close my eyes, yet still can see,
The colors and the beauties; having surrounded me.
The vivid blue of sky and green of trees.
The white fluff of clouds;
The eagles soaring high and free.

I cover my ears, yet still can hear,
The sounds and silences; having surrounded me.;
The bubbling babble of water over rocks nearby.
The squeals of laughing glee; the anguish of painful cry.
The calls and sounds of the wild, the free.

I can choose what I see and what I hear.
I can choose to differ, to travel a path my own.
I can do as I wish; as long as none I harm.
I feel for those who follow daily paths,
Those who are bound, without choice and have not grown.

I am glad of the wisdom, witch had set me free.
I am glad of the choices made -- allowing me to be me.
I am glad of the inner self; I've searched for and found.
I see, I hear, I smell, I question, I seek...
But first on my list....I be free.

Writing Prompt
An Ode is a poem praising and glorifying a person, place or thing.

Contest Winner


A special thank you to Schatzling for the artwork -Freedom In The Works.
You may think you have found a spelling mistake but it is not because it's me.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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