Spiritual Non-Fiction posted November 13, 2015 Chapters:  ...11 12 -13- 14... 

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A dedication for Jason richard smrkovsky, His Mother {my wir

A chapter in the book The Gift of Life!' III.

How Deep is Your Love?

by Ricky1024

Follows with another beautiful poem.
"How Deep is Your Love?" {A}
****************************************By Ricky 1024********************************************
{Written at my home on October 15th, 20125 at 9:28 PM. EST.
{A Companion Poem}
"Missing you...
"All You stand for...
"And all You do!'
"How Deep is Your Love?'
"Those times we shared...
"The Sun's reflection....
"In Your hair!"
"The sound of you voice...
'And You Touch...
"I miss you...
"So very much...
"How deep is You Love?"
"Deeper then an ocean...
"Wider then the sea...
"Larger then a mountain...
"Tucked away for an Eternity!"
"Longer then forever...
"Faster then a streaking Star...
"Oh my God...
"Your Gone forever Son...
"And so, so very far...
"Far, far, far, above...
"How deep reviewers...
"Is your love?'

"Father to Son" {B}
****************************************By Ricky 1024*******************************************
{Written October 6tth, 2015 at home on 9:35 AM. EST}
'show me your Worth!'
"I will father...
'You'll see...
"Thank you for this child...
"I will cherish it...
'For an Eternity!"
"Time passed Summer to Fall...
"Winter to Spring...
"Life moves forever on...
"As sweet as God's Song!'
'Now show me Jay...
"Your WORTH!"
"I did father...
'Cherish as best...
"But why of Lord...
"Did you forsake Our Request?'
"Taken away all of My *Heart..
"Taken away what You had allowed...
"Us to start?"
"Yes, Time passes...
"And for He...
"it was not to be...
"An Eternity...
"You see...
"Other needed Him..
"As much as you...
"So, remember he...
"With thy pen...
"And never regret...
"And never, ever FORGET...
"Your little...
**'Buddy Friend."
"For a rose is and will always be...
"Forever in Red...
"For that Eternity...

*Heart- Jason was an Organ -Tissue Donor and donated His Heart and lungs, His Kidneys, and liver.
**Buddy Friend...
'His nick name and my first poem written only three weeks after his death on his dell computer...
'"Buddy Friend"
{Written at my home in Jason's room April 21st, 2003}
By Richard Edward Smrkovsky"

"I'm not here right now...
"But I'm not far...
"As a Star...


"You'll feel this place...
"Take a moment and you'll see...
"And then you will know...


"Just where I will ***be...
**Be- Won me a beautiful Silver Bowl {Against thousands} with my name on a black plaque and eventually a doctorate degree through "the international Society of Poetry One Baltimore Drive, Baltimore, Maryland."
"Special thanks goes out first and always to Heavenly father and His late Son Jesus Christ, Fan Story, Fan Art Review, this artist 'Angel 4451' the picture "Rose in Bloom", and lastly Jason and his late mother too, Carolyn Ann-Richmond-Harbach- Smrkovsky."
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