General Poetry posted November 9, 2015 Chapters:  ...54 55 -56- 57... 

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Picture Image Challenge

A chapter in the book Christine's Poems

A Painted Smile

by Chrissy710

A Painted Smile

What lies behind your haunted mask, with eyes of blackened coal
Reveal these questions that I ask, torments within your soul.
This painted smile that looks so cold, your secrets none shall see
I wonder what your thoughts do hold, that never set you free.

These colours bright but a facade, your outward face does show
An inner picture a charade of turmoil that you know.
The chains around your heart like lead, where secrets all reside
Of fears and doubts inside your head, for you these all must hide.

Those demons! grip you in embrace, gain strength with every day
Your spirit now they do displace, for wrongs they make you pay.
For years they've kept you in this state, securely bound up tight
But now you must determine fate, stand up it's time to fight.

Unmask yourself, release those woes, your inner strength reveal
Shed now this gown, undo those bows, time for your wounds to heal.
Unwind these braids so tightly drawn, take out the pins of doubt
Let now there be a brand new dawn, with hope, so just reach out.

Shake off these mantles causing strife, cast out and set them free
Breathe in elixir of new life, take charge and you will see
A world of beauty to embrace, where you can find some peace
And never more a painted face, but fresh from it's release.



This is what I saw when I looked at this image so hence the title A Painted Face

Thanks to Gypsy Blue Rose for supplying this great challenging image ( Apologies for my not so good copy of the original had some difficulty copying so excuse my inability with technology)

Thank you for reading my effort for this challenge and please read all the others as well

Cheers Christine
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