Horror and Thriller Fiction posted October 18, 2014 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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God, help me...

A chapter in the book Tiny Terrors

She's Such a Doll

by Dean Kuch

She's Such a Doll


Her black lifeless eyes stare into mine. Perfect porcelain features, expressionless...I'm held transfixed.


"Genuine haunted doll," claimed eBay's description. Just a gimmick, something to push the price up. She looked creepy.


I won the bidding.

Lucky me.


She arrived early yesterday. I placed her on the table. Now, here I sit. Can't move. I'm so thirsty...hungry — yet I can't force myself to look away, locked in her deadly stare...


Phone's ringing...Beth!


She'll still come over if I don't answer, won't she?


“Okay, well, I guess you're busy. I'm off on my trip. See you in two weeks when I get home. Kisses!”


Dear God...

100 Word Dash writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Take flash fiction to the extreme. Can you tell a complete story in just 100 words. If so, this is your opportunity to shine. The story can be about any subject you wish, creative approaches are of course encouraged. All stories must have the following: Main Character, Setting, Conflict, Resolution.


As always, thank you for reading.
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