Horror and Thriller Poetry posted September 14, 2014

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What awaits you there?

Of Kings and Queens

by Dean Kuch

~Of Kings and Queens~



Beyond the realms of kings and queens, there lies dark lands beneath the gleam.

I bid thee come along with me, so many wondrous sights to see.

Without the darkness none would see a heavenly show put on for free,

of twinkling stars, whose brilliant light, will only show their glow by night.


The moon could ne'er shine as brightly, whilst Luna looms above us nightly,

bewitching all mankind to feel that life can oft times feel surreal.

And, should we trek toward ghostly gloom, where ghastly nomad demons loom,

'tis when in seeking them we know, if they be feral friend or foe.


Behemoth bastions shut their gates, denouncing feeble, fickle fates.

Where guardians of ancient lore write sonnets there, but long for more.

Still nothing – not man nor beast – will deny them their belletristic feast;

 while words of truth they try to pen rip weary souls from hearts of men.


You may enter, but cannot leave, bemoan your life, seek to bequeath

some simple knowledge hiding there – still, if you do – not one will care.

On you write, like a bard possessed, you've marked pride's path at their behest,

while there you wander, evermore, entombed within the bowels of lore.


Darkness hides lucid things, myopic minions moan, an angel sings;

'twas not my intent nor thought to boast, still they have soothed my soul the most.

'Twas here my words sought reams of gold, pretending life could not grow cold.

Words bow to hierarchy's whim; mortal flesh succumbs to death and sin.


Have you seen enough while there to find it in your heart to care,

denying inhibitions; belabored by bleak exhibitions?

I'll linger here in darkness – deep – whilst others vie for peacful sleep;

where nightmares reign, as youth's dreams die, ne'er pondering the reasons why.

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As always, Pleasant Screams, and thanks so much for reading.

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