Horror and Thriller Poetry posted August 24, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
I just know she's bad for me...


by Dean Kuch




Partially paralyzed in my head,

quaking, quivering with the dead.

Echoes emit eerie sighs —

Woebegone wraith of life am I...


Would thou thaw this earthly shell,

believing boldly  faith dispel,

time spent with you, for just a spell...

to bid my soul a fare-thee-well?


I'm so sure this won't end well,

my voice cries out, crescendos swell.

O', hear the tolling of the bell?

My carnal lust I cannot quell...


Still, our bodies sweat, entwined,

I taste your skin so soft; divine,

impending doom is obvious,

fueled by a love so ravenous.


And so, my loathsome succubus,

forsaking faith, betrayed by trust

and all that life holds dear for me,

I gladly give myself to thee...



Love Bites writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about love gone wrong or lost love. It can be sad, raw, or just plain angry (Just keep it clean). Express the emotions of the darker side of love. Any style or length. Be creative.


Many of us fall for someone who we know is all wrong for us. Still, sometimes the desire to possess him or her becomes so great, we become obsessed, almost possessed by our lustful desires. My poem is written from a male point of view. Male or female, I'm sure we all have such stories we could share.

As always, thanks so much for reading!
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