General Poetry posted May 24, 2014 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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A chapter in the book Bible Stories in Rhyme


by Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Daniel was a young man who worshipped God, prayed three times a day
He set his heart to do God's will, no matter what people say

He was a captive in Babylon, he was held there against his will
But he didn't let being a slave get him down, he vowed to worship still

Daniel was loved by King Darius, and was known throughout the land
But the King thought everyone should worship him, so Daniel took a stand

The Lion's Den is ready, for any who will not obey
Daniel was found praying to God, as he did on every day

So the King could not change his mind, into the Lion's den Daniel went
The King put a stone on top of the pit, that's where Daniel's night was spent

King Darius could not sleep that night, so he went on down to the den
He hoped Daniel's God would do something, so no harm would come to him

Daniel said, "An angel came and fixed those Lions, God kept me through the night
It was impossible for them to eat me, for their mouths were shut up tight."

Daniel was uninjured, and that made the King so glad
He knew Daniel lived to serve his God, because of the faith he had


Reference: Bible; The book of Daniel chapter six
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