Children Poetry posted May 21, 2014 Chapters: Prologue 1 -2- 3... 

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A chapter in the book Bible Stories in Rhyme


by Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Many , many years ago, Jonah lived like me and you
God said to him, "Hey Jonah, I have a job for you to do"

"You must go to Nineveh, and preach about their sin,
They must repent, and do it soon, or Heaven they'll not win"

"But God", said Jonah in his thoughts, "I do not want to go"
"They are too mean and wicked Lord, as you surely know."

So Jonah sneaked away from God , and he disobeyed
He hid out on a big old ship, Jonah ran away

Wasn't long 'til the Lord found him out and caused a storm to blow
The seamen were afraid they'd sink, but Jonah slept below

They threw things over-board the ship, so they wouldn't sink
They woke up Jonah, who said to them, "Throw me in the brink"

"I've failed the Lord and I must pay, just toss me over now,
So you can live, I'll give myself, we'll save the day somehow"

Over he went, down, down he sank, into the ocean deep
Then along came a whale, swallowed him up, for three days he would keep

Jonah called the Lord, from the belly of the whale, that God prepared for him
"Oh Lord, I will do what you say, I'll keep my vow, just get me out of him."

The whale spit Jonah onto dry land, and he was safe and sound
God called again, "Go to Nineveh my friend, they are still not coming 'round"

Off Jonah went for a three day walk, and Nineveh he did reach
"In forty days, you'll be over-thrown, if you don't listen to what I preach."

They listened and heard the wonderful word, repented and turned around
It's a lesson for us, as we live on this earth, obey God and be Heaven bound


Sometimes God chose unlikely people to do unlikely jobs. And then He assisted them in the most unlikely ways to carry out His plans. The book of Jonah is one of those events. What an awesome God, he never gives us more than He and we can handle together.

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Artwork by MoonWillow at

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