Romance Poetry posted April 13, 2014

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Closer To God

by Gungalo

Closer To God

 photo cb45e08f-8abd-4879-9a4e-43b55c9541aa_zps1f4fbd4d.jpg

You make me free
when you are with me;
nothing else matters, nor will it.

You lead me to the precipice,
take my hand and ask me to jump.
Unafraid, I do!

To my amazement,
we don't fall;
instead we fly,
soar and glide upwards
into a luminescent
scatter of colors.
Their only purpose is
to engulf our bodies
with the most amazing,
exciting and sensual
feelings I can ever remember.

Hearts clasped
ever so securely,
we float and twirl
into mystified clouds
of certain instant knowledge,
into the depths of each other we spin.
A current carries us into streaming ribbons of desire.

No one else has a presence in this piece of us.

No one else is allowed here.
This place is not to be shared by anyone but you and me.

Oh, in your eyes
I see where you linger,
why you are my bringer of extreme pleasure.
You are my well kept secret weapon of passion.
You are the only one who truly knows me.

You have culled my deepest
emotions, twirled them around your fingers.
You know which to tickle and those to caress.
You elicit a violent, immediate reaction of satisfaction.

I love how your eyes sparkle with life of the universe.
You see in me and through me.
You are more aware of what I am than me.
You just know me.
This, I love.

Now, we bank, twirl and roll through fields of flowers
and blossoms that move so wild with frenzy.
Their scent permeates our already heightened senses.

I feel as if everything
on the inside
of me is about to burst forth;
explode into an eternal fire of depravation.

It's as if it would ignite
all in its path; spread them wide
to encompass
entirety; reel it rapidly and plunge it
into the colorful depths
of an exceptional pool
that's made of dire perfection.

Now, here comes the light.
You bid me to look at you.
What I see emanates and rises
out of the torrid depth
that is the core of your beautiful mind.

Your words are
made of gossamer
that was spun from strands of silver.
They so eloquently pervade my very soul.
The light from behind you silhouettes your perfect being.

Breathing heavy now
The sighs won't stop.
I know where
I am -- with you -- and I know why.

You bring me closer to God.
It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right.
The trip is, oh, so worth it.

A thousand times over
I'll never regret
knowing or being
reminded of



I really need you baby.

(Photo Courtesy of Photobucket)

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