Horror and Thriller Poetry posted February 17, 2014

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A poem inspired by E. A. Poe

The Face In My Mirror

by Raoul D'Harmental

One evening as I lay sleeping, sprawled on my bed, tossing, turning,
Drooling, dreaming dreams no man has dreamt before!

There I was a-leaning, over a pit, peeping, peering,
Gulping, gasping; 'twas dark as the Devil's door!

Then from the deep came a wailing, upon my ears, blaring, blasting,
Deafening, daunting, it was haunting in its horror!

Two steps I fell back reeling, my knees gave way, tittering, tottering,
Staggering, stumbling, I lay prostrate upon the floor!

Soon all that was left lingering, was an echo ringing, resonating,
And I was soon upstanding; approaching the abyss once more!

Down I cast a gaze piercing, into the pit, staring, straining,
Discerning yet disbelieving a sight that made my eyes sore!

For out of the gloom appearing, was a face dismaying, dispiriting,
Repulsing and revolting were the features that it bore!

Then came a rapid dawning, and I awoke screaming, screeching,
Gasping , gulping; twas the face in my mirror!

Swift came an ill understanding, as I shivered, sweating, soaking,
Fearing the face I'd seen was what my future had in store!

With my wits now full-returning; "Just a dream!" I say, scoffing, scorning,
Yet willing and ever wishing, to dream that dream never more!


Poem of the Month contest entry


This is a poem inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Fans of his might recognise the style. Happy reading if you can ! R
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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