Biographical Poetry posted October 11, 2013

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A random, quick look at my life as it is near ending.

ABC's of My Life

by livelylinda

A look at my past;
Being from the days of the dinosaurs,
Citing my words of collective wisdom,
Daring to find any mistakes made
Even when I know there were a couple;
Famous I shall never be, and,
Grand ideas fell apart, you see, but I'm
High on life, love the trees.
Ill from coronary heart disease,
Jarring my life into new directions, but,
Keeping my sense of humor through it all;
Love my children, grands and great,
Mended all fences from long ago fights,
Never say never, it comes back to bite;
Obviously is never obvious.
Partied like it was "1999" in 1999 but
Quit that when the heart tried to quit,
Rest became my initiative and
Surgeries and procedures for years,
Tears on my pillow from fears;
Understanding new routine of life.
Vanishing breed. I have overcome strife,
Weathering the storms of hurricane winds,
Xylophone music in my head;
Youthful as I try to be, my body is really 83!

Zippy, I have another wonderful day!

Abecdarian Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write an abecdarian poem, using the 26 letters of the alphabet chronologically. An abecedarian poem is a special form of an acrostic poem, in which the initial letters of the words beginning each line or stanza spell out the alphabet in order.


Random rhyme, random everything, words of wisdom sprinkled about. Thanks to MinoYasue for her picture, "Flashes Before Your eyes."
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