Fantasy Poetry posted May 20, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
Careful where you tread!

The Night Garden

by Aussie

Up in the tree, Sleepy slept soundly
The day was done - evening stars shone
Human-kind had doused their lamps
All yawned loudly.

Sleepy stretched - scratched his head
Looking for his kin: plaster faces
Dopey wriggled his ears; pachyderm?
Doc polished his glasses; learned mind.

Grumpy stamped in dismay -
"Let's get this party underway."
Gentle snoring from the house; humans
Dopey tripped over his robe - fell face down.

"Hey!" Frog croaked - hopping madly
Sleepy shimmied down his tree -
"I'm awake - let's party!"
All night they tended the garden.

Pulling out plants; pesky weeds prospered
Plaster dwarfs they are not
Beginning sneaky work at ten O'clock
Keep your door closed - handy the hose!


My photo of Sleepy (one of the Seven Dwarfs) snoozing through the day in the bed we made for him; don't have all seven of the little fella's - be careful what you wish for!
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