Fantasy Poetry posted May 8, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
A Double Cleve

The Dryad

by rosehill (Wendy)

the Dryad descends               fantasizing the feel of rain               her fingers unfurl

tempted from her tree             after dream-frozen decades           warming, they wiggle

piqued by the promise of         limbs waving at will                        flaunting their freedom

a spring saunter through         scents subtly swirling                     as slender sylvan arms meet

pollen-laden winds                   surrounding her head                     framing her face while

slowly savoring                        the feel of sun on flesh                   earth's music fills

a landscape become body      makes her giggle with glee             the swaying sylph;
able to bend in half                  leafy locks slowly rustling               she learns to dance


The double cleve is five poems in one. IT can be read as three separate, one-column poems. One continuous poem read as if the columns were stacked to create a poem with three stanzas, and horizontally, jumping from column to column as you read left to right.
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