Writing Poetry posted April 30, 2013 Chapters:  ...29 30 -31- 

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A Story Poem to close out NaPoWriMo 2013

A chapter in the book Conversations in Poetry

April's Passing

by ~Dovey

'Twas certainly a sight to see,
This gathering to mourn,
As April passed so quietly,
The Poets were forlorn.

You might expect, out of respect,
The travelers would vary,
We stood in reverence to reflect,
At the cemetery.

John Donne decried, with utter pride,
For whom the bell tolls, "Thee!"
We stood there then all teary eyed,
For April's eulogy.

Lamenting such a saddened sight,
Quoth, "Nevermore!" was Poe.
As Thomas raged against the night,
And urged you not to go.

Frost, overcome with grief, spoke brief,
Sobbed, "Nothing gold can stay."
And at the fall of single leaf,
Miss Bronte turned away.

Elizabeth declared, despaired,
To love thee after death.
And, Mr. Browning, they were paired,
Consoled her in one breath.

Shakespeare, shed not one single tear,
In his soliloquy,
Deigned poetry in April here,
"To be, or not to be."

April, gone now it's true, "Adieu."
Ring honorary bell.
Our time together, precious few,
We bid you now, farewell.

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Many thanks to wolf for the artwork. :)

Let me assure you no poets, living or dead, were harmed in this exercise. My extreme reverence and devotion to those I've referenced above; John Donne, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost, Emily Bronte, Emily Dickinson, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Dylan Thomas, and William Shakespeare.
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