Romance Poetry posted April 30, 2013 Chapters:  ...28 29 -30- 31 

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A Musette - Love Poem Contest Entry (see author's notes)

A chapter in the book Conversations in Poetry

Sweet Symphony

by ~Dovey

Eyes closed

Our dream,
A symphony

Among the stars
We danced

Love Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a love poem without using the words love, kiss, romance, soul,heart,boyfriend, girlfriend, husband wife or sexual terms.

The Musette, created by Emily Romano is a poem that consists of three verses of three lines each. The first lines have two syllables; the second lines have four syllables, and the third lines have two syllables. The rhyme scheme is a/b/a for the first verse; c/d/c for the second verse, and e/f/e for the third verse. The title should reflect the poem•¿
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