General Poetry posted April 7, 2013

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Tells of how to resist temptation...

Mastering Temptation

by Raoul D'Harmental

Avert your eyes from that which she makes you gaze upon,
Speak not those foul words she will have your mouth utter,
Plug your ears against the ruinous babble she will have you heed!

Divert your thinking from that she will have you dwell on,
Feel not those chimerical passions she will have you discover,
Nor should you indulge those desires upon which she will make you feed!

Do this and only then shall she be your slave, dear one,
Evermore to do your bidding as her lord and master,
In all - in speech, in vision, in thought and in deed!

Temptation Poetry writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem any style or length that deals with any aspect of the topic, 'Temptation'.
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