Letters and Diary Poetry posted April 4, 2013 Chapters:  ...2 3 -4- 5... 

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A Whitney with rhyme - contest entry

A chapter in the book Conversations in Poetry

On Wuthering Heights

by ~Dovey

Enamored by
Her Heathcliff.
True love, a myth?
Ms. Bronte,
Who inspired you?
Date with Fate's tempest'ous muse.

Write a rhyming Whitney poem. writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The Whitney is a seven line poem with a syllable count of 3/4/3/4/3/4/7 respectively. Please read all the rules on the contest page before entering.

Emily Bronte is one of the writer's who made a huge impression on me in my teens. Wouldn't it be grand to be able to sit with her and chat about the writing process over a cup of tea? If only...

My thanks to Liilia for the artwork to embody the 'tempest'ous muse' (creative license abbreviating tempest'ous to three syllables.)

The Whitney is a seven line poem with a syllable count of 3/4/3/4/3/4/7 respectively. Please read all the rules on the contest page before entering. Rhyme scheme was writer's choice, subtle internal, and external near rhyme intentional.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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