Supernatural Fiction posted March 19, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
a mystical reunion

Spider Grandmother

by Writingfundimension

Starvation split Lansa's awareness... night and day cleaved to one orbit. He traced the outlines of the cave painting.

"Show me!"

The seeker's  desperate cry echoed deep within the cave's black heart.

A rainbow-circled moon suddenly filled the cave's entrance. Lansa crawled to meet it, drawn irredeemably into the waiting arms of Spider Grandmother.

55 Words contest entry


Word count: 55

Spider grandmother is the female aspect of Tawa (God), as understood by the Hopi.

Cave paintings often depict creatures with insect-like bodies, protruding skulls and large eyes - similar in nature to modern-day descriptions of extra-terrestrial beings.

Thanks donkeyoatey for the perfect accompanying artwork: Planes of Existence.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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