General Non-Fiction posted November 8, 2012

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Perfectly Pictured!

by Ricky1024

Snapshots... 1990!
Jason, Dana, and Corrine on the 12th.
Street Beach, Shipbotton, New Jersey.
Sunny, sunshined day!
Thoughts of May flowers wilt and fade in
the torrid 100 degree heat!
Searing heat, endless burning toes, burning
feet as we flee across the reddened coal-like
sand path, quickly and ceremoniously lay
our blankets and our towels to start our day!


Today, we are roughing it.
Jason is only six and watches closely as I
glide and sway cutting a path that I surpass!
The foamy waves attack as I assail the sandy the sandy bar
and look back to the eager eyes of my son Jason.
As I return, he climbs aboard!
We meet the foamy breakers with gusto!
After surpassing, we begin the 100 yard plus swim.
His tiny but firm little, fingers dig in.
Swiftly we are one as I feel his snug- hug.
A silent tear flows gently down my left cheek as I
remember my Angel-Son's sweet, sweet, touch that I
miss and again want and need so very much.

"Picture Perfect!"

Snapshot 1980!
Two beautiful angel's that God had
created, silently praying that someday...
Snapshot 1985!
Three more Angels arrive!
Man alive first two then to five!
As time drifts by, five little snowflakes
Suddenly, they are full of tricks!
One will say...
"hey! He said she said!"
another would say...
"Why does He always get His way?"
"Well, the Mother would say...
"It's gonna be my way or the highway!"
Well I would say...
"Just let them play and work it out their way!"
Work it out always seemed to me to be the best
and only way to be.
Snapshot 2012!
Now it's been almost 30 years and things have
changed drastically!
No more "he said, she said!"
Because the *HE has now been long dead!
As for what the mother said, doen't mean a
thing now because she's long gone now too!
Now it's up to me ad you!
Four daughters, no Mother or Brother!
Sisters and brothers that fight and argue
don't do that anymore.
They are all grown and now the tears just
pour and pour!
So, what's the moral of this?
With a lot of love and tenderness life goes
on and will persist!

*- Jason Richard Smrkovsky {my only son], died
less then 12 years later as a passenger in a
violent car accident.
11-05-1984-3-31-2003[A Gift of life Donor}.
Written November 7th, 2012 at my home in
Manahawkin, NJ.
Jason would be 28 years old today.
There are still three people alive because
of men like my son who live the good life
and died in order for others to live.
there has never been a rejection problem
from any of the four receptions.
For more information, contact my friend
MS.Lara, Moretti LSW. at "The Gift of Life"
And tell her that "Jay' sent yah!
Mr.Richard Edward Smrkovsky.
The second piece was written November 6th, 2012
at my shrinks office, "Dr. Oh", in Toms, River
NJ. started at 1:19 PM. and finished at 1:28 PM.
Eastern Standard Time.
Special thanks goes out to God, FanStory, FanArt Review,
and the Artist MoomWillow and her pic "Pastel Mornng:Sea."
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by MoonWillow at

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