Satire Poetry posted June 3, 2012

This work has reached the exceptional level
Quatrains-a dedication to Stranger

Humanity's Mockery

by ameen786

In these times of austerity
You celebrate prosperity
Queen you are blind to poverty
Dare I call your barbarity?

With a history of divide
and rule, you now exhibit pride
Vanity queen in reverse stride
Discovered you're Jekyll and Hyde

Look in mirror and track your reign
Every rich land you left in pain
What right you've to rob other's gain
Wearing a crown you are so vain

Upon God's earth you claim your right
Pillaged and plundered human plight
Diamond Jubilee of hollow might
On final hurray before blight

Fools wagging tongues join the circus
Caesars Monarchs even Brutus
Co-conspirators playing god
This day and age-what a facade!


Picture: Courtesy, Google images.
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