Biographical Non-Fiction posted May 3, 2012 Chapters:  ...17 18 -19- 20... 

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The set up.
A chapter in the book The English Assignment

Jail bait part B

by keimosobie

The drill instructor knew what he was doing as he built his web to catch unsuspecting soldiers, as we assembled the living arrangements in our airplane hangars.

"Move the wall lockers so they are four feet from the walls", he said.
'This was strange I thought to myself. We are already in crowded living space. Why would we move the lockers away from the walls and make it more crowded', I thought to myself.

I soon realized what the trap was with the wasted space behind the wall lockers. The drill instructor would sneak back into the barracks after lights out. He would peer behind his carefully situated wall lockers and shine his flashlight into the dark. He was hunting for soldiers who had given in to temptation. This is difficult to explain in a way that doesn't make me a little ashamed. When you spend day after day without a woman in sight, and you are in close physical contact with one another. Men get urges. The testosterone in our body starts to take over. There was one fellow soldier named Billing. His bed was close to mine. He had boyish features similar to mine. I was a little attracted to him.

One night after lights out the drill instructor came creeping around. He snuck in shined his light behind the wall locker. He found Billings and his bunk mate doing something behind the locker. The next morning was Sunday. We usually showered and did laundry before church. After we got out of the shower before we were dressed the drill instructor called Billings into his office. I really didn't know what was happening.

I did notice a pattern that on Sundays after our shower and before church he would call Billings into his office, usually dressed only in his underwear. Once while we were in church I was sitting next to Billings and he was crying. I tried to comfort him.

I said, "We all miss our families, but it's not so bad." I was thinking he was just home sick.

He said, "You mean you don't know?"

I guess I should have known, but I was just preoccupied with getting through basic training. I think this angered him a bit. There was definitely a pattern of the drill instructor catching people behind wall lockers and then ending up in his office on Sunday morning in their underwear. That's when Billings tried to turn the drill sergeant's attention towards me.

I was the only other boyish looking barely legal, (since I had just turned eighteen like a day ago.) Like I said, I was a prized sheep. Billings told me what would happen if I didn't take his place. He set out to destroy me. He now had some leverage with the drill instructor and he set out to make my life a living hell.

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