Spiritual Poetry posted March 20, 2012 Chapters:  ...77 78 -79- 

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A chapter in the book Reflections For The New Day

A View From Here

by Jewell McChesney

My photograph

I see the glow in children's smiles
I feel the ache of those who cry
I know peace beyond understanding
Recalling days inquiring why-

Why do I hear an unknown song
Familiar only to my soul
Could there be healing in one voice
For making wounded spirits whole

I see a pen glide through the night
Within the dreams of darkened hearts
It dips in golden honeyed truth
For eloquence beseeching art

Sometimes it draws from deeper wells
A pool of liquid languid pain
A blending of all sorrows cast
Where choice of past is wisdom gained

I feel refining fire's flame
Creating gilded treasures fine
Where broken vessels become whole
Reflections of a truth sublime

Intrigued by those who know the fire
I've come to revel in delight
The joy of pain becomes refining
When combined with love and light


For Diny and Calvin

I'm here for you~

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