Letters and Diary Poetry posted May 25, 2010

This work has reached the exceptional level
this will be Chapter 29 of my Book 'Dear Life'

Dear Courage


Dear Courage,


You hardly showed up in my past,

I envied friends who knew you well.

In class I kept replies to myself, who could tell?

And oh, how often would I have loved to rebel!


I had wishes I could not cast,

suffered, watching my anger grow.

Why was it always so difficult, to say no?

Instead, I kept quiet, and simply tracked the flow.


What a joy to meet you at last;
No doubt, on you I can depend;
hesitation and panic will finally end;

I am certainly proud to call you my best friend.


Look how I've changed, what a contrast;

even my flaws I can reveal,

and my true self I will no more try to conceal.

Courage, thank you for the confidence I now feel.


                                           Sincerely yours,



Quatrain Poetry contest entry


Contest requirements:
The word quatrain comes from Latin and French words meaning "four." So your poem must have four lines. And it must rhyme. The rhyme scheme is up to you.
My rhyme scheeme is: abbb/accc/addd/aeee
My syllable count in each stanza is: 8/8/12/12

Background of my Book
These are separate chapters about different subjects in life.I personalize the theme and write it in form of a letter in different styles and forms.

Thank you FrimerMazes, for the use of your artwork 'Bunny Maze'.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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