Romance Fiction posted February 10, 2010

This work has reached the exceptional level
It just didn't seem possible

At Last

by Mastery

She looked as stunningly beautiful as I'd ever seen her, and that's saying a lot. She wore a little black dress that was hemmed just above the knee, black satin heels and a pearl necklace. A bright red satin stole draped around her shoulders. I loved the woman, everything about her.

I helped her get in the car.

"You haven't told me where we're going tonight, Bill. Just that it was fancy. Some place special."

"Ah, but it's a surprise," I said. I tapped the partition window, and the Limo moved off into the February night. Bill the mysterious.

I held Lynie's hands as we drove along on the Dan Ryan Expressway, towards downtown Chicago. Her face tilted toward mine, and I kissed her in the cozy darkness. I loved the sweetness of her mouth, her lips, the softness and smoothness of her skin. She wore a new perfume that I didn't recognize, and I liked that, too. I kissed the hollow of her throat, then her cheeks, her eyes, her hair. I would have been content to do just this for the rest of the night.

"This is unbelievably romantic," she finally said. "It is special. You are something else, big man."

We cuddled and hugged all the way to downtown. We talked, but I don't remember much about the subject. I felt Lynie's breasts rising and falling against me. We were getting close to the surprise.

She didn't ask any more questions. Not until the car eased up in front of Geja's Cafe on West Armitage, and the driver got out and held the door open.

"Geja's?" she said. "You're taking me here?"

I nodded and helped her out of the car. She held my hand tightly as we entered the popular, romantic eatery.

The lighting inside was perfect. Romantic. Candlelight everywhere. Cozy, curtained booths lined the irregular-shaped rooms in the dining area. Soft violins played in the background to further enhance the mood.

"What do you think?" I asked. For a sworn bachelor of forty-two, I couldn't believe how I'd changed. How much I cared.

"Oh, Bill, I think this must be the most romantic place in all of Chicago. I've always loved it here. I told you that, didn't I?" she said.

"You might have mentioned it once or twice," I whispered. "Or maybe I just knew it."

After we were comfortable at a table, I ordered a bottle of champagne, then I turned and looked at Lynie. My heart was beating so loud during our meal, I was sure she could hear it. Her eyes sparkled like jewels in the flickering candlelight. The black dress shimmered and seemed to flow over her body.

I knelt on one knee and looked up at her.

"I've loved you since the first time I saw you at the clinic," I whispered, so that only she could hear me. "Except that when I saw you the first time, I had no way of knowing how incredibly special you are on the inside. How wise, how good. I didn't know that I could ever feel the way I do -- whole and complete -- whenever I'm with you. I would do anything for you. Or just to be with you for one more moment."

I stopped for the briefest pause and took a deep breath. She held my eyes, didn't pull away.

"I love you so much, and I always will. Will you marry me, Lynie?

She continued to look into my eyes, and I saw such warmth and love, but also humility, which is always a part of who Lynie is. It was almost as if she couldn't imagine my loving her.

"Yes, I will. Oh, Bill, I should have said yes a long time ago. This is so perfect, so special. Yes, I will be your wife."

I took out the half-carat engagement ring and gently slid it onto Lynie's finger.

Her smile challenged the tears forming in her eyes.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love," I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

So lost in our private moment, it never occurred to me that we had acquired a crowd of gaping diners until they applauded and whistled. Ordinarily that attention would have embarrassed me, but I stood and released the brake on Lynie's wheel chair, with a smile on my face and a melody in my heart

The song "At Last" by Etta James came to mind and it bathed my soul that night as it will forever.

Valentines Story contest entry


Although this is fiction, it is the way I felt the night I asked my wife, Lynie, to marry me eleven years ago. Thank you, Angelheart for the stole and pearls...Bob
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