Biographical Poetry posted November 21, 2009

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Daily Life Taken by Injustice

The Morning Before Sentencing

by AlvinTEthington

see author's note for context

I see my bag by the door
Which will never be taken to the gym
My dirty clothes
Which will never be washed
My ironing
Which will never make it to the dry cleaners
My books
Which will never be read

I open the refrigerator door and see
Cabbage which will not be eaten
Milk which will spoil
Limes which will turn hard
Onions which will rot

I see my bed which will not be slept in
I lie down and cry
Because my fate lies in the hand of another man--
A judge who has admitted his mood affects his sentencing.

I hope he had a good breakfast.

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For some time, I have been the object of a police vendetta because I exposed their corruption and filed a complaint against them. I go to court on a trumped up charge Monday. Last time the judge gave me thirty days (I was out in a day and a half when the top authorities realized I didn't belong there.) I wonder what will happen Monday. It won't be pleasant.
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