Spiritual Poetry posted June 26, 2009 Chapters:  ...45 46 -47- 48... 

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rhyme and meterd spiritual poem for contest

A chapter in the book Reflections For The New Day

To Judge Or Not To Judge

by Jewell McChesney

Do you speak in loving words when a heart is torn in two?
Do you judge and criticize or do you seek what's true?
When others fail to measure up to self-redeeming ways,
we shouldn't condemn in hatred, then go on with our day.

Envisions of one's failure invade a shallow mind,
instead of words encouraging, we lash out thoughts, unkind.
The proud self-righteous army kicks the wounded down,
then walks away in judgment wearing selfish ugly frowns.

My mind is ever pondering the judgment to expect,
if we were found in their shoes; looking back in retrospect.
Condemnation's not redeeming when others fail, you know.
Do we expect these planted seeds will reap us what we sow?

Thy works are now removing splinters from one's eyes.
Blinded by the beam in ours, our mind is hypnotized.
Do we free the drowning from sin's waters without love?
Only God can send a life line with His mercy from above.

His Spirit cries in anguish as one shouts out in lament.
The sin has been forgiven with one prayer of "I repent."
Why does one call him "brother" or "sister" of God's kin?
While bitter roots have choked out love, in self-righteous sin.

One cannot lift burdens while their heart is wrapped in chains.
Haughtiness is hatred. No kindred love remains.
Only God can judge the sinner as one sows of sifted oats.
Will Jesus be our shepherd or will we go out with the goats?


Write a 8-24 lined rhyming poem that is Biblically Inspired. The author's notes should have the quoted scripture of inspiration in it.

Matthew 7:3-5 (New King James Version)
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me remove the speck from your eye?; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
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