Biographical Poetry posted June 11, 2009

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a villanelle

The Tears of God

by AlvinTEthington

see author's notes for form's description
Confined in a locked pod--
An innocent in jail;
I cried the tears of God.

Set up by simple nod,
Denied all rights to bail--
Confined in a locked pod.

Entrapped by a cop squad,
Selecting me to nail;
I cried the tears of God.

I put up a facade
Yet I was weak and frail;
Confined in a locked pod.

Although they thought it odd,
Commanders heard me wail;
I cried the tears of God.

At last they gave a nod;
My innocence prevailed.
Confined in a locked pod,
I cried the tears of God.

Tell A Story In A Poem contest entry


A Villanelle is a nineteen-line poem consisting of a very specific rhyming scheme:
aba aba aba aba aba abaa.

The first and the third lines in the first stanza are repeated in alternating order throughout the poem, and appear together in the last couplet (last two lines).

This is written in iambic trimeter.
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