General Poetry posted January 27, 2009 Chapters:  ...76 77 -78- 79... 

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happy times when I was 5 years old
A chapter in the book CSP: A Collection of Poems

I'm 5 and a half

by Sixteezkid

I'm 5-1/2

My daddy showed me where to walk
To school and back again
So happy I'll be in first grade
I'm 5, but 6 by then

My mommy bought me lotsa clothes
She loves to see me wear
The dresses with a sash in back
Those ones that make a flair

Right now I'm playin' with my dolls
My Barbie, she's the best
She even has her own new house
I love to get her dressed

I love my Childcraft books so much
I read them in my chair
The E-thop fables are the best
Like turtle and the hare

I saw my mom and daddy kiss
When on the stairs I hid
They did not know that I was there
It made me turn all red

My sister and my brothers are
So fun; we play a lot
But David teases me too much
Sometimes he's such a snot!

The bestest thing I like to do?
To go and see a movie
So many I don't understand
But I don't let that stop me!

I walk into the picture show
No words can tell you just
How good it feels to see that screen
To be there is a must!

Outside, it's hopscotch and some tag
At times, the double-dutch
At night we catch the fireflies
We love their lights so much!

Next door, the neighbors are so mean
Miss Shap won't let us skate
She says, "Get off my sidewalk, kids!"
She has a lot of hate.

But everybody else is nice
In our neighborhood
I love my family very much
At night I sleep so good.


Contest Rules:

Now write, in poetic style, all about this child, in 1st person-
voice... some of us never had one, when we were little; so now is your chance to shine!
Please tell how old your child is in the description, so we can better listen.
Now, for the criteria:
This poem must have an identifiable rhyme scheme...
abab, aabb, abcb, etc... just NOT abcd!!! (LOL)
Please create your poem in rhyming quatrains... four lines per stanza. Rhythm need not be metered, but should have a flow, and be easy to read.
Minimum of 16 lines (4 stanzas)
Maximum of 32 lines (8 stanzas)

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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