General Poetry posted January 26, 2009 Chapters:  ...78 79 -80- 81... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
A masterpiece at the National Gallery of London
A chapter in the book CSP: A Collection of Poems

The Arnolfini Portrait

by Sixteezkid

Contest Winner 

**See Author's Notes**

'Twas painted by one Jan van Eyck in 1434
A masterpiece that's Netherlandish--one that I adore.

A merchant and his lovely wife; just married on this day
Commemorated by the artist in a most fine way

Considered with complexity, this painting is still seen
With marvel of its allegories, much for one to glean

As symbols of their wedding day, a dog stands at their feet
And hanging by the mirror is a brush and rosary

Such small details, yet so important; there are many more
For loyalty, fertility--signed hopes in days of yore

They stand there in the bedroom chamber, both in cloth so fine
He's donned in sable tabard; and her dress lined with ermine

Such vivid colors--still so sharp, although it's very old
Preserved so well by those who owned this treasure, as if gold

An argument within the world of art--as some imply
Is that she's pregnant, for she holds her folded dress up high

With loving care, the artist painted--with such great detail
The convex mirror in the rear, loved as a holy grail

Contest Winner


Writing Prompt
Write a poem about one's favorite painting. Poetry only, minimum 4 stanzas, rhyming preferred but not required.

Written in couplets of iambic heptameter
"feet" and "rosary" to be considered a half-rhyme

A tabard is a coat, either sleeveless, or with short sleeves which was a common item of men's clothing in the Middle Ages

Ermine: White fur of the stoat (in the weasel family)

The convex mirror: A much revered item of study in the art world. It reflects the back of the couple and two other figures who stand before them.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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