Biographical Poetry posted October 29, 2008 Chapters:  ...50 51 -52- 53... 

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Written when asked, What's new in your world?

A chapter in the book Reflections For The New Day

Living and Loving

by Jewell McChesney

The photo is one of mine from fanart. ;) taken from my back yard!
Time has a way of dissipating
through the fog and rain alike
sliding down rainbows
looking for the pot of gold
and finding it for fools
Sometimes it seems ever so apparent
an obstacle in my way
as if to say
"LISTEN TO ME! I have words to share
and inspiration to inspire"

I've fallen in and out of love
realizing that love is wonderful
just in the loving
but to be loved in return is best
I have given and taken (but it's better to give)
Yet I desire that love's streaming
come from the ebb and flow of two alike souls
with opposite natures
creating a pure balance act
in motion and intention as well

how two who love fully
as if on their own cloud nine
seem to float above others-
others who only need and take love
or who seem to enjoy the idea of it alone
as if only a dream unfulfilled

I've been in both places
above and beneath
and now sit content
Finally feeling with my heart
seeing with my spirit
and knowing in my knower
that time is never late
purpose is always evident eventually

In this moment
I am in the now
the ever present bliss of loving
to love eternally
complete peace reigns within me
questions are only minimal for seeking
answers are on the tip of my tongue.

I am content, at peace
and ready for what is to come!

Recently someone sent me a pm and asked, "What's new in your world?" I found myself responding poetically, unable to really say ALL that is happening, yet finding myself letting my muse reply.

I hope it makes some kind of sense!
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