Life lessons
Don’t ask about the Holocaust.
Yes, I miss Poland.
Yes, I miss my Mom, my brother, my sister.
Yes, I cry out at night.
No, I don’t want to tell you about it.
No, I don’t want to go back.
There is nothing to go back to.
Let’s play chess.
Protect the Queen.
Stock up on paper towels and canned tomatoes.
Buy cereal and tuna fish when they go on sale.
Bring home gold coins.
Save, don’t spend if you don’t have to.
Plant trees.
Think ahead.
The tree you plant today will give you fruit in three years.
Plant two, they will keep each other alive.
You planted a tree, a lilac tree next to the fence in our backyard. I’m still waiting for the tree to bloom.
You managed to hide from the Nazis and evade capture. The forest kept you alive, the trees became your safe haven.
You were the quiet one, but you were always watching.
Burning broom on the back porch.
You rushed through the house.
Extinguished the fire.
We were inside and innocent.
Our neighbor’s car was parked in our driveway.
Don’t say anything.
Don’t make enemies.
Strategize, you may need this person someday.
A truck full of chickens in a rest stop.
You knew which chicken had laid an egg, you stuck your hand in one of the chicken cages and got me an egg.
How did you know?
We wanted a dog.
You brought us home a chicken instead.
The chicken threw up in the backyard as soon as we took it out of the car.
Next thing, it’s eyes were rolling backwards. It collapsed in front of our eyes.
Give them something, but don’t make it easy.
Let them think they are winning.
We finally bought you a cell phone. You left it on the kitchen table. You didn’t want us tracking you down.
Don’t show your hand.
You taught me how to candle eggs and how to watch for shoplifters.
You trained me in hard work and growing vegetables.
You struggled to pay for tuition so me and my brother could go to a Jewish school.
“Education is the only thing no one could ever take from you.”
Keep learning.
Check: think ahead.
Stock up on toilet paper and paper towels,
Sugar too.
Know when the prices would increase and buy ahead
Checkmate: Know when the time is ready, just pounce.
Capture the enemy, make sure you cover all the bases.
Always have something you can trade, something that won’t lose its value.
Know when to sacrifice a pawn to protect the Queen.
Know how to protect your “Kings.” Your family, your loved ones.
Move ahead. Don't let your defeats ruin your future.