I want to speak in a way,
That honors my mother and father,
That guides my brothers in Christ,
Showing His enemy that He offers life.
I want to think solely of His command,
Not of the speech or desires of man,
To trust the truth of His sword,
So nothing need be certain but my faith in the Lord.
I want to live a life of courage and discipline,
That recognizes Jesus' true lineage,
That knows why His blood was destined to be shed,
And eases my conscience when I lie in bed.
I want to call out that alone He is king,
Not just of heaven and earth but of all being.
To speak His name through action and words,
About this mercy, I do not deserve.
But here I am, so broken and weak,
Try gaining my own strength when it's His I should seek.
And here I lay silent, too scared to be brave,
Despite knowing the price at which I've been saved.
Why is it that I struggle and fall,
Even though He laid down His life for us all?
My goals and my truth, so distant, estranged,
And this chasm between, reduced only by change.
Change in my heart to be gentle and strong,
Change in my mind to see right from wrong.
Change in my soul to be courageous and true.
I want to live only to glorify You.
So, if it is change,
That is asked of me,
I assure you,
I will look around.
Yet I will not walk by sight but by faith.
First, make the decision, then ask how to live it,
Not remain confined by that which I deem plausible,
But set free by the divine who knows no impossible.
Courageous and true,
I will always glorify You.