Horror and Thriller Poetry posted October 27, 2024

Halloween at the graveyard

Grandma's Grave

by Pamusart

I see the carving on the stone.
I look around, but I'm alone.
I've come to visit grandma's grave,
but I don't feel so very brave.
My breathing struggles for some air.
My grandma's tombstone doesn't care.
It has the date of her first breath,
her married name and date of death.
I put new flowers in the hole.
My grandma never heard a soul.
I bring her flowers ev'ry week.
I think salvation's what I seek.
I see a skeleton come forth.
He's walking to me from the north.
I have to hope I've not been seen.
I'm now aware it's Halloween.
It seems that someone's played a trick
that's got me feeling really sick.
I'm hiding now behind the stone,
and catch a whiff of his cologne.
I hear some footsteps to my right,
so I move left and out of sight
Behind the tombstone's other side,
I see a gun he tries to hide.
Inside a hole he puts the gun, 
and then takes off into a run. 
I memorize his height and build. 
I call the cops while feeling chilled. 
I place my jacket on the gun,
protecting it till cops can come. 
A creepy clown, and Spider-Man 
are making steam inside a van. 
I see the street light glowing white,
and then the van is out of sight.
Police arrive and write things down.
They search for clues, but none are found.
They ask me who is buried here
I say my grandma was a dear.
They say I'm sorry for your loss.
I think of grandma's lucky Cross.
Events that happened on this night
made Halloween a dreadful fright.
I have some real disturbing news
From grandma's grave, I hear some boos.

Just a poem about Halloween

Thank you for reading my poem

Credit google for the photo

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