Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted October 23, 2024

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Competitors have a burning desire to achieve.

Fire in the Belly

by HarryT


A fire burns deep within not just in athletes, but within all of us.

The desire for success ignites in every competitor's soul.

I realized early in life that willingness to compete Is key to living a successful life.

My life goals began with dreams, but I soon realized I had to do more than dream.

As a competitor, I understand dreams can only be achieved through planning and taking action.

A competitor always keeps in mind the need to do his best at whatever he seeks to achieve.

In professional life and sporting endeavors, I have learned that success doesn’t come easy

Tension beats in my competitive heart, providing me with the willingness to sacrifice and work hard.

At times, I have suffered disappointment, but thanks to mentors, I learned that failure can

Be very useful because failure often provides clues to future achievements.

A competitor does not let defeat crush his drive for future success.

Life is a competition; I have learned to live a worthy and successful life

One must develop the will to work hard. If failure happens, don’t give up, learn.

I am a competitor in all phases of life. I’m always in the process of becoming.

Free Verse writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem on competition. Tell what it means to be competitive and why you love competition or not. Free verse is a form of poetry that does not necessarily follow to any specific meter patterns, rhyme, or any other pattern. Free verse, despite its freedom, often still has some elements of form. Most free verse does observe a convention of lines and structure. No rhyming patterns.
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