General Poetry posted October 19, 2024

How an American feels about the country right now

Angry American

by Cecilia A Heiskary

Why, can't I get a break?
Everything in life is stacked against me
Blue collar Americans are being raped
People in the Whitehouse don't care
Veteran's living in the streets
Why aren't they being taken care of?
Illegal immigrants getting priority
I'm a pissed-off American veteran
What did we fight for?
Not the country I see today
Politicians are crooked
Sending tax payer money overseas
Why is the question?
We have inner cities killing themselves
Because no one cares about them
They are surviving the best they can
Why don't we address their problems?
Maybe the crime wouldn't be so high
I'm a pissed-off American
Who can't do anything to change our world
The divide in this country is scary
That's what they want
However, some of us with a brain
See what's going on and don't like it
I never understood united we stand, divided we fall
It all makes sense now
We as Americans. need to stand up and say, "Enough"
Nothing will happen until we do
Bring God back to the country
He is the only one who can save us
Jesus please come soon
You are the only answer

The First Milestone
This authors first post!
A Milestone Post


I am an aspiring poet. This poem expresses my feelings of what are going on in this country. I have always loved poetry and just recently started writing it again. I am retired and have lots of time on my hands and writing occupies a lot of time.
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