General Poetry posted October 15, 2024

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What happened to We the People?

Political Turmoil

by knowledge

Our political areana has gone mad
They seem to be looking out for themselves instead of us
They are actually getting funds from forign countries
Why is that allowed
Why do we accept them being bribed by special interest
Why can we not have one-item bills
Can't we just listen to logical political discussions
What would be wrong with that
Our politicians love to pit us against each other
they gleefully cause trouble between us, our families, and neighbors
How can they have closed sessions of congress
What are they discussing behind those closed doors
I think if they would do things that would make this country 
A more congenial place to live in we would all be happier
Maybe we would be able to lessen our passifying drugs
We would all be in better moods and closer together

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Just some logical ideas for our elected representatives to show their respect for us and build up our nation in friendliness.
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