General Poetry posted October 14, 2024

A question.

A child or a son?

by royowen

A child or a son.

So, do you read the word of God
or do you simply skim?
And do you swallow and digest
or read it on a whim?
For do you know just who you are,
a child, perhaps a son?
And do you walk as Adam walked,
or like the Christ has done?

A child will learn in classrooms bright
a son will imitate.
He watches closely what God does
and with God's ways he'll mate.
Yes, you may learn about the Lord
or do you dwell within?
As watching what the Father does
are you and God close kin?

R.Owen 16/10/2024.

Knowing about God, and being IN God are entirely different.
My wife has challenged me, and also I think, the Holy Spirit, am I IN God, or do I just know about God. Do I watch what He does and imitate, or wander aimlessly hoping I know what He is doing. The preposition is important, am I a son? Am I walking in harmony? 0r am I a child, learning about God? And am I performing His works.

John 14:10-12

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, or at least believe on account of the works themselves. Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
Berean Standard Bible

A child of God is learning to walk with God, and a son walks in Gods footsteps, close to God, but both reap the same legacy.
Thanks for reading. R.Owen
Photo by google. Jesus healing Jairus daughter.
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