General Fiction posted October 14, 2024 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7 

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The intervention

A chapter in the book Anatomy of a Marriage

Anatomy of a Marriage Ch. 6

by BethShelby

In the days that followed Marsha’s meeting with Bill Cunningham about the law firm’s plans for an intervention, Trenton seemed to be putting extra effort into building back some of the trust Marsha had lost. He was home more of the time, and spent some time talking about his success in signing the client he had gone to Tallahassee to meet. He even mentioned Sheri, his secretary who had gone with him on the trip, in a negative way. Since Marsha hadn’t met Sheri and her only contact had been by phone, she’d wondered if maybe she was the one he had been seeing. Now he was telling her, Sheri wasn’t working out so well, and he was thinking of letting her go.

Marsha’s suspicious mind wanted to believe him, but still, she wondered if perhaps he wasn’t telling her that, and spending more time at home in order to ease her suspicions. As she had promised Bill, she refrained from telling Trenton that his firm had planned an intervention. She knew Bill was right by saying if he knew ahead of time, it would only guarantee he would be prepared and would refuse to go along with it. She realized that if he did refuse treatment, it might mean the firm would terminate his partnership and possibly his employment. She was torn with guilt, knowing he would feel she had betrayed him by not saying anything.

The Monday date was approaching, and Marsha had gone over all of the information thoroughly which Bill had sent to her by courier. There were suggestions as to what the wife should say. Although, she didn’t plan to have to read it, she had written, discarded and rewritten dozens of drafts. She had talked to her son, Joey to see how he felt about being there.

Joey’s response had been, “No way! I couldn’t possibly face Dad and tell him he has to go away for treatment. He would hate me. I do think he needs help though. I can’t stand to see him killing himself drinking. He’s going to end up dying of liver disease like his dad did. Your own grandpa died of liver problems too, didn’t he?''

“Yes, he did. He died young, too. It really worries me about you children. Alcoholism runs on both sides of the family. I hope none of you ever start drinking. I don’t think I got that gene though. I’ve never had over two glasses of wine and I only have it occasionally with friends.”

Monday arrived and Trenton kissed Marsha goodbye and left for work believing he would be meeting with another potential client in the afternoon. She and Joey were the only two in the family that knew this day would be different. The kids left for school as though it would be an ordinary day. She hadn’t mentioned anything about it to the maid. She wasn’t convinced Latisha could keep her mouth shut, and she was certain her daughters couldn’t. Marsha spent the morning staying busy and trying to deal with the fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was all she could do to avoid thinking a glass of wine might help to calm her nerves.

As instructed, just before 3:00 pm, Marsha found her way to the assigned suite at the Hilton. The coordinator, sent from the treatment center, met her at the door and introduced himself as Alex Feldon. Four of the other law partners were already seated. Chairs had been arranged into a semicircle. He told her when Trenton arrived, he would be expecting to meet a client. He would likely be shocked finding her and members of the firm present. He couldn’t guarantee what his reaction might be.

The atmosphere was tense. Marsha knew all of the other partners, but under the circumstances the conversation was subdued. Everyone appeared to be on edge as they waited for Trenton. He was due at 3:30. This gave those who would be confronting Trenton time to be seated and go over last-minute instructions and to get answers to any question they might have. Bill Cunningham, the top man in the firm, was the last one seated.

Trenton arrived promptly at 3:30. He knocked on the door and was greeted by Alex. He shook hands in a professional manner, believing him to be his client, but as his eyes traveled past Alex, his face clouded with confusion and then shock. He grew noticeably paler and took on that ‘deer in the headlight’ look which Marsha realized was an apt description. Seeing his wife and the serious expressions on the faces of his fellow partners, Trenton realized this was no surprise party. His first thought was to turn away and leave quickly, but he realized this was something he must face head-on. It was too late to retreat. Alex led him to a chair in the center of the group and told him he needed to listen and hold his comments until everyone had had their say.

One by one, each of his partners spoke about what his being late for appointments and comments clients had made concerning his excessive drinking was doing to the reputation of the firm. Bill Cunningham laid it out in such a way that there was no doubt he couldn’t continue without getting some professional help.

Marsha was the last to speak. She had thought she could tell him how his drinking was impacting her and the children, but after a few stumbling words, she found her throat closing and tears starting to trickle down her cheeks. She had to rely on reading what she had written. She told him she loved him, but they had reached a place where if he didn’t get help with his drinking their marriage would fail.

Trenton claimed he was getting control of it himself and that he was willing to start attending AA meetings, but he was told he was at a point AA wouldn’t be enough. He needed time in a treatment center, and that his reservation had already been made. When all of his protests had been shot down, he realized he had no real choice other than to agree.

“How soon must I do this?” he asked.

“I’m here to take you today. We will go by your house and let you pack a bag, and then, we will go from there.” Alex told him. “You’ll be there for six weeks, but everything will be taken care off. Your wife assures us that she can handle it. She will take care of your checks and paying the bills, until you’re able to go back to work. Your firm considers you a partner worthy of what they are doing. They are willing to take care of your expenses at the center and pay your full salary until you get this thing under control.”

The meeting ended with Trenton reluctantly agreeing to go with Alex. His partners all shook his hand. Some hugged him and patted him on the back. They told him they were proud of his decision, and they knew he could do what he needed to do. After going home and getting his things together, he and Marsha had a few minutes together for a teary goodbye.

Marsha had given the children money for a movie they had been wanting to see, so that they wouldn’t be home as their father was leaving. She was afraid their reaction might make it worse for everyone. She still had to explain to them why he would be away for a while.

She felt some of the tension leaving her after Alex and Trenton had gone. The days ahead wouldn’t be easy, but at least, it seemed a step in the right direction.


This is the story of couple in a marriage crisis. Marsha has reason to suspect Trenton, a partner in a law firm, of cheating. Trenton is also an alcoholic, and his law partners have decided if he is to remain with the firm an intervention is needed to make sure he with go to a treatment center.
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