Romance Fiction posted October 6, 2024 Chapters:  ...36 37 -38- 

Noah returns.

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 22 A

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.
Noah and Sami met 27 days ago.


It was close to midnight, when Bob exhaled. "Myra and Mateo are on their way to the hospital. I don't have any other information."

"Is there any way I can go to the hospital?"

Bob shook his head. "You can't reinvent the rules."

"I think rule breaker is number four of Noah's adjectives."

Grinning, Bob said, "I'm surprised it's not higher."

"Frustrating, feisty and impossible are above it."

"I can see why." Bob faced the computer. "I'll let you know as soon as I find out something."


Chapter 22 A

Predawn lit the eastern sky Saturday as vehicle headlights lit the lane. Sami ran to the door. "They're back."

Sarah touched Sami's arm. "They're tired and may be injured. Let them enter. Step back."

Sami backed up to almost her bedroom and stared towards the door. Hurry! She bounced when she heard footsteps on the porch.

Once the door opened and Noah walked through, Sami ran to him, jumped up, threw her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, and kissed him.

Noah came up for air. "Sami?"

She lowered her legs to the floor and studied his eyes. "I messed up, didn't I?"

He grinned. "I take it you worried a lot."

"I did. Half hug wouldn't cover it."

Noah drew her closer and kissed her. "I'm not surprised."

Another kiss occurred before he moved her hands from around his neck but continued to hold them. "I knew you'd want to make sure Mateo was safe, so you can see for yourself."

Mateo stepped beside Noah. "Mi Amor, I wish I could get a greeting like that, but I'm sure it's reserved for the man who holds your heart."

Sami kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry, but you're right." She ran a finger along the stitches above his left eye. "You're hurt. What happened?"

"Chen thought he could bully me into giving him information about you. I told him nothing."

She hugged him. "Thank you. I'm sorry I got you involved."

"I'm not. I'm glad I could help you and those young girls. Myra isn't doing well, but she's safe."

"Noah, now Chen's behind bars, can I see Myra?" asked Sami.

Noah swallowed. "I'm afraid not. Myra's in serious condition. As soon as the hospital gives me permission, I'll take you to her." He studied his feet. "We'll need to remain here a few days to ensure none of Chen's crew retaliates. If they don't, I'll take you home and you can resume your life."


He took her hand. "Let's walk Jasper." He led her outside.

On the porch, Noah faced Sami. "Yes, I'll remain in your life as long as you want."

"What if I want you in my life forever?"

He grinned. "How about we take one day at a time and see where it leads? Sound good?"

"It does." Sami watched Jasper return from the pond. "You're tired. I'd better let you get some sleep."

"I'm sure you're tired too. Are there any pressing questions you need answers to?"

"Not now. You're safe and Myra's rescued. Everything else can wait."

"You sure?" After Sami nodded, Noah opened the door, and they went inside.

Noah called the team and Mateo together. "Mateo, is it okay to get a few hours of sleep or do you need to leave?"

"I could use some sleep."

Noah nodded. "Good. You can use my room. I'll either sleep on the couch or in the security cabin with Jose."

Sami's eyes met his. "Noah, there's only one bed out there."

"We have sleeping bags."

Mateo pointed to the couch. "I'll sleep here. I don't want to take you from your bed."

Pointing toward her room, Sami said, "Noah, why don't..."

"Sami, don't even go there," interrupted Noah.

As everybody laughed, Sami said, "I wasn't suggesting we do that, just sleep. I trust Noah."

Jose chuckled. "With the greeting you gave him, I'm not sure. He's only human."

Pink-tinged Noah's ears, as he ordered, "Everybody get to their rooms and get some sleep. We'll meet at noon. All in agreement?"

As everybody agreed and went to their respective rooms, Noah called to Sami, "Goodnight, Sunshine."

Sami reached up and kissed him. "Goodnight." She paused on the way to her room. "I didn't mean..."

"I know what you meant, but your timing was a little off."

"Do I get another adjective for it?"

"I think impetuous covers it. Goodnight. We'll talk later."

For lunch everybody sat at the table, as Bob said, "Boss, three of Chen's BDSM shops have been shut down and the workers arrested. One's still out there. When our men arrived, it was already abandoned."

"They can't hide forever. We'll get them."

"How many young girls have been rescued?" asked Sami.

Noah nodded. "Quite a few. At the escort service we got four between the ages of ten and thirteen."


"Unfortunately. Five between thirteen and sixteen. Twelve over sixteen."

Sami closed her eyes. "That's twenty-one. Besides Myra, were you able to recover any of the others taken that same night?"

"Yes, we have Myra and four others. We're missing one. Bob, what about the BDSM shops?" asked Noah.

"We found the other missing girl. All the girls taken the night Myra went missing are rescued. At the shops, we recovered a total of eighteen girls. I don't have a breakdown of their ages."

Doing the math in his head, Noah said, "That's thirty-nine girls we've rescued in less than twenty-four hours. I'd say that's a good day's work." He paused. "We need to find where that BDSM shop went. I hope they left a clear trail."

Bob took a drink. "Aaron and Matt are on it. Two of our best agents."

Noah nodded. "That's good."

Sarah studied him. "You trained them. You can't do everything yourself."

"I know."

Sami chewed on her bottom lip, before she said, "Noah, I understand if you're needed elsewhere."

He studied her. "I'm where I want and need to be."


"Positive." Noah took a few bites of lunch. "Mateo, I'm sure Juan Pablo's worried. After we eat, Bob will take you home. Be sure to thank him for sending help. It was needed and appreciated."

Mateo grinned. "Papa has texted me a few times. I've assured him I'm safe. Anytime you need our help, please call. We'll be eager to assist you."

Sami stood. "Bob, before you leave could we talk."

When Noah glanced Bob's way, he shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, Sami." Bob followed her into the kitchen. "What's up?"

She handed him a piece of paper. "I've prepared a grocery list. I think we should have a celebration our last night here. I want it to be a surprise. Can you keep it between us?"

Bob chuckled. "Yes, but you know it's going to drive Boss crazy, don't you? He doesn't like things happening without knowing and approving it."

Her eyes sparkled. "I know, but it'll only be for a few days."

"You're incorrigible."

"That's number nine on Noah's list."

He turned to leave. "It should be higher."

Laughing, she added, "But so should the higher ones."


Noah walked up to Bob. "What's going on?"

"I can't tell you. I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Don't tell me she's corrupted you too?"

Chuckling, Bob said, "Okay, I won't say it. Don't worry. It's safe and nobody will get hurt."

"Sure, about that?"

"Positive." Bob faced Mateo. "About ready?"

"I am. I just need to propose to Mi Amor again. Maybe I'll get lucky."

Sami walked up to Mateo and kissed his cheek. "I still love you like a brother, but not in love with you. You don't need to propose again. The answer is still no. I appreciate all the help you've given Noah."

"If you and Noah don't work out, I'll be waiting."

Exhaling Sami said, "I really wish you'd find somebody else. You deserve to be happy."

"I deserve to be happy with you, Mi Amor."

"You deserve a woman who loves you."

"Maybe someday that will be you."

Noah stood in the doorway and watched their conversation.

Sarah came up beside him and touched his arm. "Mateo's persistent."

"That he is. I bet he thinks if he keeps asking, he'll wear Sami down."

"That lady's completely devoted to you. I hope you realize that."

"In case I might forget, she reminds me, often."

Laughing, Sarah asked, "Like the greeting you received this morning?"

He shook his head. "Perfect example."

"Don't even pretend you didn't enjoy it."

"I did, but it shouldn't have happened."

"Would you have been happier if she just said, 'Welcome back'?"

"You know me better than that."

"Accept Sami for who she is. She's not going to change."

"That's part of her charm."

"You're right and she's exactly who you need in your life. She'll break down that wall you've built around yourself."

"She already has. I'm here, aren't I? Normally I'd be chasing down that fourth BDSM shop."

"I know, but does Sami? Maybe you should start telling her how much she means to you?"


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father

Thank you, Google Images for a photo of gigantic hug. One like Sami probably gave Noah

Chapter 22 is another longer chapter. This is the first part of Chapter 22. It's a little over 1300 words.

As always, I changed some things as I post. I appreciate all the help. I couldn't do this without your help. I appreciate all review.

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