General Poetry posted October 5, 2024

Attic entry for the Picture This club

A Fishy Tale

by jim vecchio

In my attic
Is a haddock
It surely does smell
But has a story to tell
Fifteen men set sail
To catch a whale
They sailed into a gale
Before it ended, six lost their tale
We wrote letters about their lives
But had no way to send it to their wives
While we slept and we snored
All our food was swept overboard
A few days later, the Hunger hit
Freddy Fagan took a fit
Freddy suddenly grabbed the harpoon
And tried to use it as as spoon
He dug it deep into Holloway's chest
To scoop up the parts he felt best
Postelwaite grabbed his head and pounded
Soon a farewell knell for two more was sounded
Seven men were now left to set sail
But it wasn't the end of their sad tale
A flying fish flew through the sky
Finnegan threw a hook, but lost his eye
Finnegan was hurt, as bad as can be
One day later, he was thrown out to sea
Six men, without a bite to eat
While schools of fish were below our feet

Finnegan had lost our hook
And none of us read the Manual Book
Doing nothing but waiting, it makes you lazy
As we wondered who’d be the next to go crazy
Our eyes were beginning to see spots
When next we decided to draw lots
We figured Fagan had the right notion
One must be eaten, or all perish in the ocean
Honest Halbert got the short straw
Poor fellow, even loved his mother-in-law
Three of us bashed his head in
Then realized ‘twas a bad sin
None of us with our forks could dig in
So we offered the fish his body and skin
Five men began to wail
These five who had set out for a whale
Then a whale came-What a surprise!
He swam for us with those evil eyes
These men, who were once a brave crew
None of them knew what to do
While trying to shield from his advance
Into those waves I did glance
I jumped into the water, hoping they’d fare well
Never again heard of them, far I could tell
Now swimming the sea became my battle
But soon I came to an atoll
A man was there, roasting some fish
For what more could I wish?
He offered me the haddock
But it gave me a headache
How could I eat it, even with a knife?
This fish that would grant me added life?
So I kept it as a memento
And ate a stuffed tomato
So the fish hangs on my attic wall,
Symbol of a blessed
 life for all

Club entry for the "The Attic - what secrets are hidden here" event in "Picture This ".  Locate a writing club.
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