Mystery and Crime Fiction posted October 4, 2024 Chapters:  ...39 40 -41- 42... 

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Danielle asks the stranger what he knows

A chapter in the book His Silence

His Silence - Chapter 40

by Jacob1395

The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

When Harvey murders his parents, he refuses to say why he did it. Twenty years later, he's finally ready to talk.

The music starts playing the moment the plates are cleared away. It’s not a song I recognise, it’s soft, classical. Well, I hardly expected Oliver to start playing Eminem or Taylor Swift. Oliver claps his hands together and stands up from his chair. Everyone stops talking. It’s like they all wait for his lead; he’s the shepherd and we’re his sheep. It’s cringe worthy.

‘Danielle, would you like to dance?’ he asks, holding out his hand to me.

Callum shifts in his seat beside me. I sink into my chair. Shit, why the hell is he asking me to dance? I can’t dance to save my life.

‘Um, OK, sure,’ I say, and take his hand. My head is giddy from the amount of wine I’ve had as I stand up, I’ve only had a couple of glasses; I haven’t gone mad.  

It isn’t long before we’re joined by other couples; Abigail’s joined us, holding the hands of the guy with the tattoo on his neck. Callum remains seated, watching me. It’s then I notice Callum’s eyes aren’t the only ones focused on us, Abraham’s are as well. He’s leaning his arm on the back of his chair, staring at us with a hint of a smile on his face. Why does he give me such creepy vibes? I focus on Oliver.

‘I would like to try the exercise again with you tomorrow, if you’re feeling up to it,’ he says, as we gradually waltz to the music. I’m letting Oliver lead; he’s definitely had some dancing lessons in his time. His steps are in perfect time to the music, I feel hopeless. ‘But of course if you don’t feel ready I’ll be happy to wait a few more days.’

I shake my head. ‘No, tomorrow will be OK, at least I sort of know what to expect, so hopefully I won’t go down that same dark path.’

He beams at me. ‘That’s excellent, Danielle. That’s exactly what I’d hoped you would say, and I’m certain that won’t happen again. It will be a beautiful experience for the both of us, I can assure you.’  

‘How long did it take everyone else to learn how to . . . how to complete the exercise?’ I ask Oliver, a lump bobbing in my throat.

We continue to dance in time to the music. ‘Oh, well of course everyone is different, some take longer than others, but you need not feel ashamed at all, Danielle. You’ve suffered horrors in your past that people here can scarcely imagine. Perhaps it was wrong of me to start today, but I’m glad you’re feeling up to it again.’

‘I am,’ I say, half smiling. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the man I saw at the end of the table, not talking to anyone else, get up. He takes his empty wine glass into the kitchen. ‘Actually, Oliver I really need the loo, do you mind if I?’

‘Of course not, Danielle.’


He releases me from his grip and I head in the direction of the kitchen. Callum frowns at me, but I don’t look back.

I push the kitchen door open and scan the room frantically. The man isn’t here. There’s a squeak which makes me spin round, but it’s the kitchen door, the one leading out to the garden, flapping on its hinges, like someone’s just shut it. I dart over to it and step out into the cool night air, looking over my shoulder to make sure Oliver hasn’t followed me. I know I won’t have long. I’m pretty certain Oliver will send someone after me, if he thinks I’ve been gone for too long, or he’ll come after me himself. The thought sends a shiver racing through me. I spot the man standing over by the vegetable patch, looking towards the sky, as though he’s lost in thought.

‘Hey, hey,’ I say, sprinting over to him.

He looks at me, eyes wide. ‘What are you doing?’ he asks, keeping his voice low. From where we’re standing by the vegetable patch I can hear the music playing from inside the dining room.

‘I . . . I wanted to talk to you,’ I say, my words coming out fast.

He shakes his head, and holds his hands out in front of him. ‘No, you need to go back inside now, before you’re missed.’ He can’t look me in the eye. It’s like he’s looking over my shoulder to make sure no one is watching us.

‘Please,’ I insist, stepping closer to him, my shoes squelching in the soft grass. ‘You’re the only one who doesn’t appear to be head over heels in love with Oliver and this place, whatever it is. I want to know why?’

His breath mists out in front of him. His dark eyes fix on mine.

‘You need to be really careful, Danielle,’ he says.


‘Because . . . because your parents left here for a reason.’

I shake my head. ‘But you must know why they left, don’t just say that to me and say nothing else. That’s not fair.’

‘You need to get out of here while you still can, Danielle. The longer you stay, they . . . they won’t let you leave,’ he hisses at me. ‘They’ll go after everyone you love if you try to defy them.’

A shudder pulses through me.

‘Who do you mean?’ I ask. ‘Do you mean Oliver and Jeremiah?’

He backs away. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have –'

‘Look, I’m not leaving until I find out why my family left.’

He shakes his head. ‘You’re making a mistake,’ he replies. 'You should've learned from what happened to your brother.'

I stare at him, it feels like I've been punched in the gut. 'What do you mean?'

He shakes his head. 'Your brother signed his life away, when he . . .' he breaks off. 'He's . . .'

My heart slams against my chest. I think of what happened between me and Oliver earlier today. Shit could he have . . . could he have done smething similar to Harvey? ‘Is . . . is my brother innocent?’

The man disappears into the darkness. I want to follow him, but something compels me to stop. I didn’t even get his name. How can he just leave me standing here like this? Holding my hand to my forehead I make my way back into the dining room, yawning as I step back inside. Callum’s waiting for me by the kitchen door.

‘Who was that you went after?’ Callum asks.

Oh shit, if Callum noticed perhaps Oliver did as well. I glance in Oliver’s direction, but he’s deep in conversation with Jeremiah. People are still dancing.

‘Oh, no one . . . I just wanted to speak to him,’ I say.

I head back over to my seat, half stumbling as I head towards it.

‘Danielle, are you OK?’ Callum asks.

‘Fine, fine, just need to sit down.’

Oliver’s watching me. My body feels sluggish. It’s like the signals my brain’s trying to send, aren’t working properly. My eyes droop. No, no, I can’t collapse. Not like earlier today.

‘Danielle.’ Oliver’s voice comes out on a long, slow drawl. He’s standing up. A few more people have glanced in my direction with concerned expressions on their faces.

I don’t have the chance to reply, before my head hits the table. I pass out.


Danielle (protagonist)
Callum (Danielle's best friend)
Harvey (Danielle's brother)
Michael (Danielle's adoptive father)
Emma (Danielle's adoptive mother)
John Cole (Danielle's biological father)
Laura Cole (Danielle's biological mother)
Ian Jones (third person who Harvey killed)
Max Hardy (podcaster)
Jeremiah (works with Oliver)
Oliver Adams (Marsh View House owner)
Mary (works with Oliver)
Abraham (Marsh View resident)
Abigail (Marsh View resident)
Isaac (Marsh View resident)
Noah (Marsh View resident)
Eve (Marsh View resident)

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