General Poetry posted October 2, 2024 Chapters:  ...100 101 -102- 103... 

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Sijo Poem

A chapter in the book 2024 Japanese Poetry

Come With Me

by Gypsy Blue Rose

There’s a creek by my house. 

      Come with me.  I’ll take you there.  

It’s a sight to behold!        
The night hikes the mount 

      to take a peek of the creek.    
The silver moon and stars bathe there.  

      Come with me.   

SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables. Themes can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual. Originally it was written in four lines but it’s okay to write it in more. The first stanza is the theme; the second is the elaboration; the third stanza is the counter theme; and the fourth is the completion.

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

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