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The meeting with the partner at the firm .

A chapter in the book Anatomy of a Marriage

Anatomy of a Marriage, Part 4

by BethShelby

Marsha and Trenton are married and living in Jacksonville, Florida. Marsha has learned that Trenton, a lawyer, is having an affair. She is thinking of contacting her own lawyer, when Trenton is sent out of town on an assignment. His firm contacts her and asks her to come in and meet with the senior partner.

Chapter Four:

After the senior partner, Bill Cunningham, called from Trenton’s firm, Marsha made arrangements to meet with him at 10 am the following day. She wracked her brain trying to imagine why he wanted to meet with her while Trenton was out of town. Was it possible the firm was planning some sort of award ceremony and they hoped to surprise Trenton? Maybe it had to do with his cheating, but surely if they were aware he was cheating, they wouldn’t be calling to tell her.

Marsha had met Bill at a Christmas party and had seen him at a couple of other firm gatherings. She didn’t know him well, even though he’d spent quite a bit of time talking to her at the party. She’d been surprised afterward when Trenton sarcastically remarked, “Bill seems to find you rather fascinating.” Secretly, she had been pleased that Trenton sounded as if he resented other guys paying attention to her.  

For a brief moment, it occurred to her that maybe Bill hoped to get to know her better while Trenton was away. She certainly hoped that wasn’t the case since they were both married. That would be an awkward and stupid move on his part.

The following day, she kept her appointment still wondering what the meeting could be about. It felt awkward telling the receptionist she was there to see Bill. He didn't keep her waiting long. After greeting her and thanking her for coming, he led her into his office.

“I know you must be wondering why I asked you to come in,” he said. “I’m sorry it is necessary to discuss this. I am assuming you must be aware that Trenton is having some problems with alcohol.”

“Well, yes, I know he’s been drinking more lately, but I’ve been thinking the firm has been mostly responsible for that. He told me it is a policy that the partners go out after work to a local bar to go over the cases with the clients and discuss strategy for dealing with them."

Bill frowned and shook his head before continuing. “Well, I’m afraid if he told you that, he might have misled you. That would certainly not be our policy. If we have anything to discuss concerning our clients, we would do it during the day here in the board room.”

Marsha took a deep breath and let this disturbing thought sink in. How could I have been so stupid and gullible? His late hours had nothing to do with the firm. Either he is going out to drink, or he is spending all of his time with that woman, whoever she is.

Bill continued,“Look, don’t get me wrong, I’m sorry I had to be the one to tell you this. Trenton is a good lawyer and he is a real asset to this firm. If we thought so, he would have made partner. But lately, I am afraid he has become addicted to alcohol, and he needs help. He can’t do a decent job in the condition he’s in at present. We have talked to him about it more than once. He is coming in to work late with excuses, and he often goes out for part of the day. We think he keeps a bottle here and is drinking at work. He claims he doesn’t have a problem and he vows he will do better, but it isn’t happening.”

“His father was an alcoholic. I’ve been afraid he could become addicted. I don’t know what I can do about it. He won’t listen to me. He tells me he doesn’t have a problem. He doesn’t act drunk at home, but the truth is he has been spending a lot of time away from home.”

“Marsha, I don’t think he can do anything about it, without some professional help. We’ve discussed it here, and I’ve talked to him about going for treatment. We would pay for the treatment, and he would continue to draw a full salary, but he won’t do it willingly. It looks like we are going to have to do an intervention, and we need you to be a part of it. We have a treatment center in mind, and we can get a professional over here to direct the conversation. We’ll need you to tell him how it is affecting you and your children. He’ll have to understand he can’t continue here unless he agrees. How do you feel about it? Do you think it is something you’ll be able to handle?"

 “Yes, definitely. I’m ready to do whatever I need to do. It is affecting my family. I’m glad you’re willing to do that for him. He isn’t going to like it. What if he refuses? Can we force him to go?”

“He’ll have to agree. The way these things work, he has to understand, if he wants to continue to work here as a law partner, he doesn’t really have another choice, and you can make it clear to him that he is failing his family. If you feel like it, you can say you don’t want him as part of your life. Without having any other options, most people will agree to go for treatment."

“When do you plan to do this?"

“We’d like to do it as soon as possible. We needed to make sure you’re on board. We’ll get in touch with the treatment center. He will need to be there at least a month and maybe longer. We will try to set up the intervention in a hotel. He’ll think he is meeting a client there. He won’t know until he walks in what we’ve planned. We’ll get back with you as soon as we know what they can work out. I’ll be contacting you again soon. I know this isn’t going to be easy for you, but I’m glad you are willing to go along with it.” Bill rose and so did Marsha. He walked her to the door and shook her hand.

Marsha left in a daze. Perhaps this was the answer she was hoping for. If Trenton was stashed away in a treatment center, he wouldn’t be able to carry on an affair with another woman. Maybe, he wouldn’t have gotten involved with anyone, if he hadn’t been drinking. This could be a turning point. There might be some hope after all.

For the first time in days, she felt as if a burden was being lifted. Now, she just had to get this obstacle behind her.


Marsha and Trenton are married and living in Jacksonville, Florida. Marsha has learned that Trendon, a lawyer, is having an affair. She is thinking of contacting her own lawyer, when Trenton is sent out of town on an assignment. His firm contacts her and asks her to come in and meet with the senior partner.
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