Biographical Poetry posted September 27, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Many of his poems and stories revolved around death


by HarryT

Edgar Allan Poe
Verses had a flow
His writing was dark
Raven, no titlark

A Dark Clerihew writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a Clerihew about a famous person (real or fictional) appropriate to a thriller, mystery, horror, or dark fantasy poem. Dark humor is the goal.

*four lines total
*first line must be their name
*rhyme scheme of AABB
*one stanza
*any meter/syllable count

Geoffrey Chaucer
Took a bath (in a saucer)
In consequence of certain hints
Dropped by the Black Prince.

~~~by Edmund Clerihew Bently

This is a weekly contest sponsored by "The Little Workshop of Horrors" club. Every Friday we will post a new contest. If you are interested in joining the club, we offer a poetry and fiction prompt every Monday with guaranteed reviews from other members.

Titlark is a song bird. A raven often used to symbolize death.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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